One need to pay Rs 50 per month to watch all Surya TV programs It is not free like Hotstarafter one month of free subscription. Using the new application one can watch Live TV, Movies, Kids Shows, News, Comedy Clips, Catch-up, Video on Demand (VOD), Originals, Music and much more in Malayalam - It can be viewed anytime, anywhere on your favorite devices including Mobile, Tablet, Web, Smart TV and Streaming Devices.
Using the above SunNxt application viewers can enjoy 4000+ Movies, your favourite TV Serials, 40+ Live Channels including Surya TV, Comedy, Music, and much more. SUN NXTis the new offical application to watch Sun network serial and TV shows. Surya TV- Malyalam Entertainement Channel- programs can now be watched online using mobile or othe IOS or android devices using new application.